
How To Blog About Homework

Is Online Tutoring Effective?

September 16, 2020

Many students are looking for academic support as they make their way through school. Maybe there are a few things you are struggling with, or perhaps you need a lot of help. Maybe you're looking to expand your selection of college choices or prepare for the academic workload you'll encounter when starting college or university. […]

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Six Signs That It's Time to Hire a Tutor

December 3, 2021

You've set up a regular study schedule for your kiddo, you've supported them but outlined your expectations, and you've helped them with their lessons as much as you can.  But here you are, burned out and watching your frustrated child melt-down in front of you.  You feel helpless, but you're not! When your student is […]

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Supporting Your Student Post-Pandemic

November 9, 2021

Remote-learning, although difficult at first, became the norm during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students who might have disliked e-Learning at first ended up enjoying many aspects of remote learning. Especially for students who have heightened anxiety in larger groups, remote learning provided a lot of comfort. Now that your student has returned or […]

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How To Help Your Struggling Math Student

October 21, 2021

Helping a student who is struggling with math can be frustrating. Helping a student who is struggling with math and who is also your child? Well, that's a whole new level of tension.  You see them struggling and want to help, but you don't know how. At Train the Brain, our goal is to help […]

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5 Summer Learning Activities to Keep Your Brain Sharp

June 22, 2021

Summer learning activities are a great way to keep kids engaged and learning throughout summer vacation. Not only will these activities help to keep young people entertained, but they'll also keep their minds sharp and their skills honed. Learning activities aren't just for children, though. Adults can benefit from a little learning over the summer […]

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Do You Need Homework Help or a Tutor?

May 18, 2021

Are you struggling with a school homework assignment or to understand a concept in class? It's not uncommon for students to have difficulty understanding subject matter. Tutors can help you get that extra attention you need to better understand your coursework and excel with your assignments. The question is: do you need homework help, or […]

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How to Choose the Best Tutor in 4 Easy Steps

May 6, 2021

Students often need help to catch up on subjects they don't fully grasp. If a student is out of class for a week, they often struggle to learn the missed information while they are still attending classes that may build off of the material missed. One way to overcome these issues is to work with […]

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6 Resumé Writing Tips Perfect for Tutors and Educators

April 16, 2021

Resumé writing is difficult, even if you have the world's most impressive education and job history. Anyone can get caught up and stuck when writing their resumé, especially tutors and educators.  If you're an educator or plan on offering or already do offer tutoring, these resumé writing tips can help you craft a compelling resumé […]

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Boosting Morale 3 Effective Ways To Help A Failing Student

February 21, 2020

Failure, no matter how old we are, is an essential part of learning. While it can get frustrating and worrying to see our children perform poorly in school, it's our duty to understand that not all students learn at the same pace and that our struggling students need our help in reforming their habits and […]

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How To Blog About Homework


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