
How To Anonymously Contact A Tumblr Blog

2 Reasons Why You Can't Use The Tumblr Ask Feature As Your Blog Contact Us Form

Well, actually, you can, but here are two reasons why you might not want to use the Tumblr ask feature as your blog's contact us form or why you might want to have a separate or different contact form alongside this one.

If you enable this feature, then anyone, even those who don't have a Tumblr account, can ask you questions or send you messages. You can choose to publish the questions/messages and your answers on your blog. If the asker isn't anonymous, you can also choose to answer them privately without posting your reply on your blog.

reasons why you can't or may not want to use the tumblr ask feature as your blog's contact us form

Tumblr ask feature = contact us form?

When I first saw Tumblr's ask feature, I thought that it could also be used as a Contact Us form. Aside from questions, people can post messages or whatever else they want on the Ask form and then send it to the blog owner.

However, I later discovered that the ask form had a number of limitations/issues so it might not be such a good idea to use it as a contact us form, not if you want your contact us form to have more features and be less restrictive.

Problems with Tumblr ask feature

I decided to try the ask feature just to make sure that it was working on my blog. That was when I discovered the problem. Exactly what is the problem? As I was typing a sample message on the ask textbox, I pressed on the enter key on my keyboard and absolutely nothing happened.

I tried again but, still, nothing happened. I frowned and wondered if something might have happened to my keyboard's enter key. I checked by trying it elsewhere and I soon found that my enter key was perfectly fine and the problem was with Tumlr's ask feature.

Limitations of Tumblr ask feature

Tumblr disabled the use of the enter key on their ask feature. They also put a 500-character limit on the ask form. Why would they do that? How can this be useful or helpful to anyone?

What if people have a lot of questions to ask? They should be able to put spaces so their words won't appear as one huge block of text that would undoubtedly be hard to read, right? What if people can't explain whatever they want to say or ask in just 500 characters? They should be able to freely write or type what they want without limits, right? What do you think?

Well, you can still use the ask page as your contact us form but, if you don't want people who wish to contact you to be limited and restricted in this way, then you're going to have to look for a possible solution or an alternative contact form.

Photo credits:
-Image with added text was modified by Freya Yuki (CC:BY-SA) based on the image by hayashinomura (CC:BY-SA) from deviantArt

How To Anonymously Contact A Tumblr Blog


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