Why No One is Reading Your Blog | New Blogger Mistakes 2021

I started my blog during kind of a chaotic time in my life. My husband was traveling a lot for work. We had a little baby and I was running a freelance business. So making the transition to a blogging business was a much better idea.

Should I Hire Someone to Design My Blog? Tip for New Bloggers

If there's a task that I don't love, it's designing a website. Especially if it's a WordPress website. Now I've mentioned before that I have a couple of websites and use a combination of Squarespace and WordPress. So the advice that I'm going to give in this post is based on my experiences with both of those platforms. So if you're wondering "Should I hire someone to design my blog?"

8 Steps to Start a Blog the RIGHT Way in 2021

No big introduction needed here. I'm going to take you step-by-step through what I think you should do to start a blog the RIGHT way. This is for you if you want to be a professional blogger.

Is It Realistic to Make Money Blogging? Tips for Beginners 2021

Understandably, a lot of people look at making money through a blog or being a blogger as some sort of weird scam. And that makes a lot of sense because sometimes running a blogging business or being a blogger is kind of hard to define. People know that we publish content online but where does the money actually come from? Why would anybody give you money just for writing a couple of articles online?

You Can Blog Even if You Stink at Writing | Tips for Beginners

So, yes, the fact of the matter is you will have to write if you want to run a blogging business. But a lot of us don't have that natural talent. I mean, we can't all be a J.R.R. Tolkien. Right? So if you're really terrible at writing, is there still hope for you to be a blogging business owner? Absolutely. In this post, I'm going to talk about why you can still run a blogging business, or why you can start a blog, even if you totally stink at writing.

I Pretend that I'm a New Blogger: 2021 Tips for New Bloggers

Sometimes I feel that the biggest mistake a lot of people make when starting a blog is overanalyzing everything. If you want to find some new recipes, it's a heck of a lot easier to go to Pinterest and pin some recipes for later than it is to go in the kitchen and make them. Honestly, no one wants to do the dishes anyway. And the same could be said for blogging as well. It's easy to just sit and brainstorm over and over again but never actually start the darn blog.

Tips for Starting a Blog in 2021 that Actually makes Money

We are into the middle of 2021 already! So there are a couple of things that I want to share with anyone who is interested in or thinking about starting a new blog this year. These tips are also helpful for any of you bloggers who have decided you really want to take your current blog and turn it into something serious. You want to make it a business and give yourself the best shot of success at making money blogging.

9 Productivity Tips for New Bloggers

So recently I made the decision within my blogging business to start a new project from scratch. It doesn't impact allisonlindstrom.com, so don't worry about that. This is a separate project, but it's causing me to have a lot of flashbacks to 2015 when I started this blog. Just like starting a blog from scratch, I'm struggling with finding the time and energy to work on this project. And it made me start thinking back to all the different productivity tips for bloggers and things I could do to fit it into my busy schedule.

If I Was a New Blogger, Here's What I'd Do | 2021 Tips for Beginners

I first started this blog, which didn't originally start as allisonlindstrom.com, back in 2015. And while I don't think I'll ever be comfortable saying "I have all the answers and know everything about running a blogging business." I do have quite a few years of experience. So looking back, I'm going to share things to do as a new blogger that I would do if I were just starting out.